What Dalston has given you…

May 31st and the day we asked Dalston ‘what has Dalston given you’ and ‘what will you do for Dalston’. Dalston Bridge is a hyper-local fundraising campaign supporting great local charities and aiming to spread the benefits of gentrification. Communities are successful because people connect with each other. Dalston Bridge has come up with some great fundraising connections – you can donate £1 when you buy a Dalston Thing cocktail at some of the local bars, and if you are selling your house, and decide to do so with Currell, a donation you make will be matched to 50% by the estate agent.

We want to create and support more connections, and not just financial ones. Given people make these connections, we thought we better ask them what connections they would make! And people came up with lovely ideas about what Dalston had given them and what they would give to Dalston.